Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sprouted Lentil Hummus

This Saturday is my brother's high school graduation party.  I can't believe he is going to college, I feel so old!  Family and friends are coming over our house, and naturally I'm in charge of preparing all the food. Well, not all of it, my dad is grilling.  But with appetizers, side dishes, and desserts, I'm going to be cooking up a storm the next few days!  And in this heat, it's going to be quite the challenge.

I'm not a fan of super hot weather.  On crazy hot days I am in the garden super early, watering, weeding, and doing anything else that needs to be done, then I'm indoors hiding from the sun.  Today it was right around 90 F, and tomorrow it's going to be even hotter.  With all the cooking and baking I have to do, I'm going to have to start waking up super early to have the oven and stove on when it won't make me pass out from heat exhaustion.  But when I can't bring myself to turn the oven or stove on during the day, what do I make for lunch and dinner?  Anything cold, with a side of hummus.

All you humus fans out there, you know what I mean when I say you can never go wrong with hummus.  And this hummus is not just any hummus.  It's fancy sprouted lentil hummus.  Beans and my stomach have not been getting along recently, and in my desperate attempt to continue eating hummus, I decided to try sprouting the beans before using them.  I talk about why sprouting beans not only aids in their digestion, but also makes them more nutritious here.

Sprouting beans is super easy and allows me to eat them without any digestive discomfort.  So bring on the hummus!  I chose lentils to make this hummus because garbanzo beans, even sprouted ones, haven't been agreeing with my stomach plus I absolutely love lentils.  Besides, lentils have more protein, fiber, potassium, and iron than garbanzo beans.  They also taste pretty identical in this hummus.  I'm serious.  My hummus-loving boyfriend couldn't find a noticeable difference between this and my hummus recipe made from garbanzo beans, sprouted lentils and all!

The moral of this story is when it's hot out, eat hummus.  While I still do have to use the oven and stove for many of the dishes I'm making for my brother's graduation party, hummus will definitely be on the menu and I bet it will be a pretty popular appetizer.

Sprouted Lentil Hummus

2 cups sprouted lentils, cooked for 20 minutes
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup tahini
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp fresh orange juice
3 Tbsp EVOO
1 heaping teaspoon cumin
1 heaping teaspoon salt, or to taste
black pepper, to taste
pinch paprika, optional

1.  Add the garlic, tahini, and citrus juices to the base of a food processor.  Process for 10-15 seconds or until everything is smooth and well combined.  Scrape down the sides as necessary.
2.  Add the lentils and EVOO.  Process 20-30 seconds, or until the mixture is smooth.  Stop to scrape down the sides as necessary.
3.  Add the seasonings and pulse to incorporate.  You can add more EVOO or water to thin the hummus out if necessary.  Store in the fridge in an air-tight container.

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