Saturday, June 21, 2014

No-Bake Fig Newton Bites

What's better than a chewy, fruity, scrumptious fig newton bar?  Fig Newton Bars that you don't have to bake!  These are the perfect I-won't-turn-on-the-oven-to-heat-up-the-house-because-it's-summer-but-I-really-want-something-delicious snack. And there are only three main ingredients.  They are also gluten-free, grain-free, refined-sugar-free and raw.  Who knew tasty could be so healthy (and cool)?

I love a good snack that is easy to take with me when I'm out and about.  I am somewhat of a snack snob, and only like to munch on healthy snacks that taste good.  These fulfill both categories and so much more.  My only complaint about these fig bites are they are addictive!  Forget only having one or two, pack as many as you can into your hands then hid the rest for later.

Make room in your fridge for this summer for these fig newton bites: you will instantly be the hit of any party or snack time!

No-Bake Fig Newton Bites

2 cups raw almonds
12 dates, pitted and soaked if very dry (I used medjool dates)
2 tsps vanilla extract
1 Tbsp coconut oil, optional*

1 cup diced dry figs (I used kalamata figs)
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tsps vanilla extract

*I like to add a tablespoon of coconut oil to help the balls stay a bit firmer, however they are fine without it.

1.  Make the filling first by adding the chopped figs with the lemon juice and vanilla extract to the base of a food processor.  Process until everything is well blended, about 30 seconds.  Put the filling into a small bowl and set aside.
2.  Using the food processor, grind the almonds for 10-15 seconds or until a course almond flour is formed.  Add the vanilla and coconut oil.  Pulse to incorporate.
3.  Slowly add the dates with the food processor running.  Keep processing until a dough-like texture forms.

4.  Using a cookie scoop or tablespoon, spoon the mixture onto a wax-paper lined cookie sheet.  Lay a piece of wax paper over the dough and press down to form each ball into a flat ring.  Remove the wax paper.

5.  Spoon a small amount of the filling on the middle of each disk, then pick each one up individually and pinch the sides together.  Gently pinch the dough around the exposed filling and roll in you hand to make a smooth ball.  Repeat until all the fig newton bites are made.  Allow to set in the fridge for at least an hour before storing in an air-tight container in the fridge.  Enjoy!

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