Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Snacking On PB & Banana: Margaret Style

Peanut butter and banana is a snack that needs no introduction.  It's quick and easy to make, while never disappointing in the flavor department.  You could stop at spreading peanut butter on the banana slices, but I like to get fancy.  There are endless (additional) toppings to add to these bite-sized morsels, however I keep going back to the combination of cacao nibs, cinnamon, and dried goji berries.

The simplicity of this recipe is a refreshing break from always baking or having to prepare everything. Simply slice, spread, and sprinkle your way to a fantastic treat!  I really don't measure anything when I am making these.  I just go with how much of each ingredient I'm feeling on that particular day.  For example, most days I'm feeling lots of peanut butter.  As in much more that the recommended serving of peanut butter. Who only eats two tablespoons of peanut butter?!  As for the additional toppings, I always use a ton of cinnamon and usually a sprinkle of cacao nibs and goji berries.  You can sub the cacao nibs for chocolate chips and the goji berries for your favorite dried fruit, there are no rules!  Just top the sliced banana to your heart's content, then devour.  Get ready for peanut butter and banana to rock your world!

PB & Banana

1 large banana
peanut butter
caco nibs
dried goji berries

Peel and slice the banana, then spread each slice generously with peanut butter.  Sprinkle with cinnamon, cacao nibs, and dried goji berries.  Happy snacking!


  1. So cute! I just don't know how you had the patience to make all these rather than take a bite of banana then a spoonful of peanut butter. I suppose I could resist eating them and make them if they were for guests later.

    1. Oh believe me, the self-control I enlisted to get me through the making and shooting of this dish was unreal! The truth is, usually I don't make it to having a pretty plate for a snack either :)
