Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lemon Chia Seed Scones with Sweet Lemon Cashew Glaze

Every year winter hits and I go into a citrus frenzy.  I can't get enough oranges, lemons, and grapefruits!  It's my body's natural way of preventing me from getting sick and I'm loving the recipes I've been creating because of it. I have always been a fan of lemon poppyseed baked goods, but have yet to find a healthy version in stores.  So I got to work in the kitchen and came up with these lemon chia seed scones that are naturally gluten-free from oat flour and refined sugar-free because I sweetened them with honey.  Hello happiness :)

This morning I got up and immediately started making these scones so I could have them for breakfast.  As I put them in the oven and shut the door, I realized I forgot to add the honey. That's quite a disaster!  So I got to work on a second batch where I didn't forget the sweetener.  Our dog Charlie was sleeping right next to the oven and didn't even flinch when I yelled and proceeded to bang around the kitchen. Christmas really tired him out. Lazy animal (but so cute!).

Did you catch that I called these scones lemon CHIA seed instead of lemon poppy seed?  Chia seeds have become my replacement for poppy seeds.  Both look the same in baked goods and are tasteless.  However, chia seeds far outshine poppy seeds in terms of nutritional content.  I could go on and on about the amazing benefits of adding chia to your diet, but I'll limit myself to only a few.  They are the highest food source of Omega 3 fatty acids, ounce for ounce having more than wild Alaskan salmon!  With 18% of your daily intake of calcium, chia seeds beat milk in the calcium department ounce for ounce.  As far as fiber is concerned, look no further than chia seeds.  They contain almost 11 grams per ounce, or 42% of your daily recommendation! Chia seeds are also a complete protein, providing all the essential amino acids.  This tiny seed packs a huge nutritional punch!

The combination of lemon juice, honey, and coconut oil gives these scones a wonderful flavor. They are much more delicious than lemon-poppyseed baked goods you find in stores!  My mom said the texture of these scones remind her of Italian regina biscuits. They melt in your mouth.  I love having them with a cup of coffee and let's not forget about the glaze.  Once you drizzle rich cashew butter mixed with lemon juice, honey, and melted coconut oil on top of the lemon chia seed scones, they become irresistible.  I dare you to eat just one!

Change up your morning oatmeal routine by making scones instead, or enjoy them with a cup of coffee as a mid-afternoon snack.  There is no wrong time to eat these.  With 2014 fast approaching, many of you will be making resolutions to lose weight or eat healthier.  Who knew scones should be part of your new diet?  To health, happiness, and scones :)

Lemon Chia Seed Scones
vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free

makes 6 large scones

2 cups oat flour (use certified gluten-free oats if necessary)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 Tbsp coconut flour
1/4 cup coconut oil, hardened in the fridge
1/4 cup honey (or favorite liquid sweetener such as maple syrup)
1 egg (1 Tbsp ground flax + 3 Tbsp water for vegan egg substitute)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp lemon zest, or orange zest

1.  Preheat oven to 350 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  If making your own oat flour, add two heaping cups of old-fashioned rolled oats to the base of a food processor and process for 10-15 seconds, or until four-like consistency is reached.

2.  Add baking powder, baking soda, coconut flour, and salt to the oat flour in the food processor.  Process 5 seconds.  Add the chia seeds and process 3 seconds.

3.  Take coconut oil out of the fridge and break apart into small chunks.  Add coconut oil pieces to the food processor and process 5 seconds.  Add egg (of flax-egg), honey, vanilla, lemon juice, and lemon zest.  Process until just combined.

4.  Using a spatula, scrape dough out onto prepared baking sheet.  Let sit about a minute to allow coconut flour to absorb some of the moisture.  Form dough into a circle, about an inch thick, and cut into six triangles.

5.  Bake for 15 minutes.  Take out of the oven and using a sharp knife, separate the pieces.  Bake another 3-5 minutes to allow the edges to get crispy.  Cool on a wire rack.

6.  Drizzle with sweet lemon cashew glaze and enjoy!

Sweet Lemon Cashew Glaze
vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free

2 Tbsp cashew butter (other nut/seed butters are fine)
1 Tbsp raw honey
1 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
1 tsp lemon juice

Mix everything together until smooth.  Drizzle on top of scones right before eating them.  Store leftover in an air-tight container in the fridge.  When ready to use again, simply heat up until it is a liquid.


  1. Could you substitute poppy seeds for the chia seeds? Just wondering, thanks!! It looks delicious...

    1. Absolutely! I use them interchangeably. Enjoy :)

  2. School was cancelled today due to extreme cold temperatures. So, I made these scones from the lemon my friend gave me off her tree. They are easy and lemony good!

  3. Coconut flour???? Is this for flavor? Not sure where to find this.

    1. The coconut flour thickens the batter to help the scones hold their shape. Don't stress about not being able to find it, you can add an extra tablespoon of chia seeds or oat flour with similar results. Hope this helps you make them, as these scones are very tasty!

  4. I'm totally in love with your puppy!! What breed is he?

    1. He's such a cutie :) We aren't 100% sure because we got him from a shelter, but we think he is a ridgeback-hound mix.

  5. Beautiful dog!!!!!!!! So glad you got him from a shelter, poor creature. Will make your scones tomorrow. Excited for results!

  6. I love these. I've made them three times already. I am having trouble with them being very crumbly. Any suggestions?

    1. I'm so glad you like them! Try subbing one cup of the oat flour for AP or whole wheat flour. The extra gluten will keep them together better. Hope this helps!

  7. How big is your food processor? I am just wondering if mine will be big enough to handle this!

    1. I have a 4-5 cup food processor. Hope this helps!

  8. Since I was out of oats, I used almond meal and added a little more coconut flour. I'm also not a big honey fan, so I used agave nectar instead. My 12 year old son loved them (me too!). YUM!

    1. So glad you and your son enjoyed them! And your substitutions sound divine. Almond meal?! YUM!!

    2. My super picky 14 year old daughter loved them too!

  9. What can I use for these besides a food processor? They look delicious and I'm dying to try them, but ours broke recently and we don't have the money right now to get a new one.

    1. You can easily use a hand-held pastry cutter to cut the coconut oil into the dough. You can also buy oat flour, however AP or whole wheat flour will work here as well. Hope this helps!

  10. These look really delicious. I would love to make them, but I have no idea where to get chia seeds. I'm sure that I can find a store in my area that sells them. Then I can bake these for my family.

  11. I followed the directions and used all the ingredients exactly how you have directed except used oat flour instead. They were perfect!! TASTY and light and OH MY, there is no butter!!! GREAT! My husband enjoyed them too! I have my fingers crossed how they will last in the fridge.
    Thank you so much for sharing this awesome recipe!!!

    1. Sorry, I used my vitamix blender though and used a pastry blender to cut in the coconut oil.

    2. So glad you enjoyed these! And I bet you won't find out how long they last in the fridge...because they will be gone fast :)

  12. What can I use instead of coconut oil? Thanks.

    1. You can use butter or vegan butter instead of coconut oil. Use the same amount and you're good to go. Enjoy!

  13. just made them earlier tonight they tasted so yummy 

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  15. Good sharing, chia seeds are one of the world’s richest source of plant-based Omega-3s, and it is known to deliver the Omega-3 which is equivalent to 275g of wild salmon in just two tablespoons. For detail visit:

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  16. Would extra Virgin oconut oil have a different effect that's all I have at home. Looks gorgeous but the way
