Sunday, November 29, 2015

Raw Gingerbread Crusted Pumpkin Cheesecake

Let's talk pie.  I now Thanksgiving just happened and everyone is probably still in a food coma, but trust me when I say you''re going to want to cut yourself a slice of what I'm offering up today.  I been a fan of raw cheesecakes for quite some time now, and this pumpkin one is a welcomed addition.  For those of you who are new to the raw cheesecake world, they are made out of a base of soaked cashews or young coconut meat and a bit of coconut oil to achieve the rich, creamy, cheesecake texture without any dairy. Believe me when I say they can fool even the most reluctant "real" cheesecake lovers.  My mom is about the biggest cheesecake snob out there, and she instantly fell in love with the first raw chocolate cheesecake I made.  

This cheesecake is the basically all I have been able to think about since I first tried it.  It's the perfect treat for this time of year with a thick, creamy, pumpkin pie-spiced filling that marries perfectly with a chewy gingerbread spiced crust. Seriously, why has nobody put gingerbread crust with pumpkin pie before?!  They are a match made in heaven!! I served this cheesecake as Thanksgiving dessert and I have had quite a few requests for the recipe, so here it is.  If you have any sense you will make this treat asap because it's in "season" and just about the tastiest (and secretly healthiest) dessert you will find on any menu! You can even tell everyone it's a normal cheesecake and leave the fact that this bad boy is dairy-free, grain-free, refined sugar-free, and raw a secret (I won't tell!!).

Raw Gingerbread Crusted Pumpkin Cheesecake

yields one 9" cheesecake

3 cups raw cashews, soaked overnight
2/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1 cup pure maple syrup, room temperature
2 cups canned pumpkin, room temperature
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp sea salt

Press the raw gingerbread cookie dough into the base of a 9" springform pan, making sure to evenly cover the entire bottom.

Drain and rinse the soaked cashews, then add them to the base of a high-speed blender along with the rest of the ingredients.  Blend everything until smooth.  Pour over the gingerbread crust and use a spatula to make an even covering.  Place in the freezer for at least 6 hours, or overnight to set.  Take out of the freezer 30 minutes before eating to allow to thaw slightly.  Keep in the freezer to store leftovers.

Want more raw cheesecake?  Try my Raw Raspberry Dreamcake  


  1. This looks great, going to try this for the holidays, thanks!

    1. Thanks Jessica :) It's SOOO tasty! I'm actually planning on making it again for Christmas because everyone loved it so much. There really is something magical about the gingerbread flavor with the pumpkin cheesecake. Let me know how it turns out if you make it!

  2. We don't have pumpkin in a can here in Australia. Is it mashed pumpkin? What size are the cans?

    1. Suzanne - you can use mashed pumpkin instead of canned pumpkin. Just use two cups of mashed pumpkin and you're good to go!
