Friday, July 31, 2015

Mocha Frappuccino (dairy-free, refined sugar-free!)

I didn't start drinking coffee until college.  Many of my friends in high school drank coffee every morning, but I never had the urge.  Sure I had tried it, but I just didn't get what the big deal was. Today is another story; coffee and I are close.  I can't imagine waking up and not having a cup of the stuff!!  Now I have to admit I did used to love Starbucks frappuccinos, even when I didn't like coffee. But was does that even count as coffee? They are purely sugar, cream, and artificial flavorings, masking the small amount of coffee inside: so pure deliciousness!

As tasty as they were to me, I wouldn't go near one of those processed foods these days.  I actually haven't had a frappuccino from Starbucks for well over five years, however I do love the idea of a frozen, frosty, chocolaty, coffee drink.  Currently we are in the middle of a 90+ degree heat wave here in the northeast and I haven't been able to shake the thought of a cold coffee treat.  It was time to take action.

I froze some leftover coffee in ice cube trays and whipped up a batch of my homemade chocolate coconut milk.  That's really all the work necessary to make this!  Simply blend the two together and you're good to go.  You can whip this up in under two minutes and run out the door to work.  Instead of making a trip to Starbucks, make a trip to your kitchen.  I swear you won't tell the difference ;-P  I have been enjoying this after hot afternoons in my garden, planting my fall crop and harvesting (hence the tomatoes in the background).  You deserve to treat yourself AND treat your body right. Save money, unnecessary calories, and the trip to your local coffee shop and make this tantalizingly refreshing mocha frappuccino!

Dairy-free Mocha Frappuccino

yield: one LARGE serving, or two normal sized-glasses 

1 1/2 cups chocolate coconut milk
1 cup coffee ice cubes*
1-2 dates, optional**

*to make coffee ice cubes, pour room temperature strong-brewed coffee into ice cube molds and freeze
**to add more sweetness, depends on your taste preference

Blend together and enjoy!

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