Thursday, October 30, 2014

Top Ten Halloween Treats of 2014

Happy Halloween!  

May your day be filled with spooky goblins and treats.  Mostly treats.

Here are my top ten Halloween recipes.

Ps. Who's to say that you have to stop binge eating candy tomorrow ;)

Who's to say that all candy is unhealthy?  With no refined sugars and raw hemp protein, these little bars pack a nutritious AND delicious punch!

Like the classic Almond Joy bar, but better.  Much, much better!

Can you keep a secret?  These vegan brownies are made with garbanzo bean flour and no refined sugar, but pack all the chocolaty deliciousness you'd expect from a brownie.  It sure is a Happy Halloween!

Chocolate pillows of peanut butter.  Need I say more?

Did somebody say pie?  This cheesecake-pie mashup is raw, vegan, and hits the spot on this pumpkin holiday.

Not a pie fan?  I got you covered (but seriously, what's wrong with you?!). This dark chocolate cake transforms the humble avocado into a decedent delight!  You could always scare your guests by revealing the main ingredient...after they've had seconds, of course. 

Grown-up Raisinets. Although, had I tried one of these bad boys as a kid I would have swapped my chocolate covered raisins instantly.

Healthy enough for breakfast and tasty enough to scarf down one or two while trick-or-treating (or consuming adult beverages:).

Is it too early to think about christmas?  Gingerbread is one of my favorite seasonal flavors, and these candy balls have all that gingerbread goodness without any of the flour, butter, and sugar.  Instead of making them into reindeer, try making them into little scream faces.  Tis' the season!

I've saved the best for last.  If you have not made these yet, TREAT YOURSELF!  They trick your tastebuds into thinking you are eating the most sinfully good brownie.  But they're actually healthy.  

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