Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cherry Cinnamon Yogurt Parfait

For breakfast, I want something that I can make fast or something that I can easily prepare in advance. I want something sweet, but not too sweet.  I want something that contains healthy fats, proteins, and fiber, without a long ingredient list.  I want something delicious and filling, keeping me coming back for more day after day.  What I want is some cherry cinnamon yogurt parfait!

Sometimes, I come across a recipe that is so simple that I don't know if I should even bother sharing it. But I have found that simplicity makes some of the most delicious food.  I have been eating this parfait daily for breakfast, so I decided it is worth sharing.

Cherries are one of my favorite fruits.  Unfortunately for me, they are only in season for a short time each year so I'm taking full advantage of cherry season by eating as many of them as I can.  This is one of my all-time favorite breakfasts.  Greek yogurt with diced cherries and an large amount of both cinnamon and nuts/seeds.  You can use any kind of yogurt, non-dairy included, but make sure it is unsweetened.  There is so much sugar is flavored yogurts,and the combination of cinnamon and fresh sweet cherries is naturally sweet enough.

I love how this recipe allows you to cater to your particular tastes.  After choosing your yogurt type, go nuts with the toppings!  I usually use walnuts or pistachios and some type of seed, but the possibilities are endless.  Throw some cacao nibs in there to get your chocolate fix, or add your favorite granola.

Start your day right with this simple, healthy breakfast!

Cherry Yogurt Yogurt Parfait

yield: 1 Margaret-sized portion, or 2 normal portions

1 cup plain yogurt of choice*
8-10 cherries, pitted and quartered
1/4-1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp lemon zest

Optional toppings:
handful of walnuts, pistachios, or nut of your choice
handful of pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts, or seed of your choice
cacao nibs or dark chocolate chips
cherries, diced

*I used plain greek yogurt, but any type of plain yogurt will work here - non-dairy varieties included!

Mix the yogurt and cinnamon well.  Stir in the cherries and lemon zest.  Sprinkle with desired toppings.

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