Friday, February 28, 2014

Blueberry Fig Jam (with chia seeds!)

The other day I realized that I usually have chia seeds almost every morning in whatever I am eating for breakfast.  It's gotten to the point where I crave them if I don't have any.  Yes, I'm strange but this jam is outstanding and happens to contain chia seeds!  The combination of blueberries and figs with a hint of citrus makes this jam truly unique in flavor.  Dried figs are very sweet and allow this jam to be made without the addition of any sugar.  Hurray for 100% fruit!

Figs are the star of this jam and often a forgotten dried fruit.  Fresh figs are in season for such a short period of time in the fall so their dried counterparts are a wonderful way to enjoy this delicious fruit year round.  As I mentioned before, they contain a lot of natural sugars and therefore they are a great way to add sweetness to dishes without adding processed sugars.  I use them in everything from sauces to my morning oatmeal! 

Figs contain the highest amount of calcium of any fruit, containing 16% of the daily recommended amount for every 100 grams!  That's especially great news for people, like myself, with dairy allergies or on a vegan diet.  Who needs milk when you can have figs?!  Figs are also high in fiber which aids in digestion and helps keep you feeling fuller longer.  They are high in the minerals iron, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins, as well as vitamin K.  To top off their impressive nutritional profile, they contain antioxidants that destroy free radicals what may contribute to cancer, heart disease, and visible signs of aging.

The combination of fig's health benefits with those of  blueberries, oranges, and chia seeds make this quite the super-jam!  It is a wonderful change from the usual grape or strawberry jam and is super easy to make.  I always say ditch the can and cook your own dried beans, well now I'm telling you to ditch the jam jar!  One taste and you will understand why I am so obsessed.  Now excuse me while I go make a peanut butter and blueberry fig jam sandwich :)

Blueberry Fig Jam

2 cups frozen blueberries, defrosted
6 dried figs, diced* (I use organic kalamata figs)
1 orange, juiced
2 Tbsp chia seeds

*make sure to remove the hard stem on the top of the dried fig

Blend the blueberries and figs with the orange juice in a high-speed blender or food processor for 5-10 seconds.  Add puree to a pot and stir in chia seeds.  Simmer for 10-15 minutes on medium-low heat, stirring regularly, until jam consistency is achieved.  Cool completely and store in an air-tight jar in the fridge.


  1. Wow this is a wonderful idea how to make a super healthy but absolutely delicious jam!!! Great recipe dear!
    xox Amy

    1. You're so sweet! I can't help sneaking chia seeds into everything...and who doesn't love figs?!

  2. This is literally the jam!:) I've got to share this! LOVE! Blueberries and figs are my FAVE fruits of all. Oh my gosh, this is brilliant. I still haven't caught onto dates, because really, black mission figs are where it's at:) Great, great post!!<3

    1. I'm so glad you like it :) And I totally agree, figs are AMAZING and I think more people need to use them in recipes! Delicious!

  3. Just made this. Looking forward to trying. Slight modification because I only had fresh figs. I also used some date puree to sweeten it slightly. Can't wait to try it.

    1. I'm sure you will love it, it is divine! Dates sounds like a good addition if you are using fresh figs because they are less sweet than dry figs, however just as tasty!
